Monday, October 22, 2007

The Lonely Road of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing can sometimes feel like a very lonely venture.

You've probably felt the frustration -- you're in the middle of writing yet another blog post or an article you plan to submit to a directory, when suddenly, it hits you. You stop writing for a moment, and wonder, "Why am I even bothering with this? No one is reading what I have to say anyway."

This is the curse of new internet marketers who have not yet had the chance to see their efforts come to fruition. Unfortunately, this is when many people give up, leaving their dreams to stagnate with a handful of blog posts and a couple of poorly distributed articles.

Perhaps you are at this point right now.

It is important, however, to understand that solid internet marketing takes time. If you have recently launched a website that you are trying to promote, your first few months may be spent writing to no one but the search engine spiders, wondering when and if the traffic will come.

During this time, you may have to convince yourself that you are writing to an audience of thousands, and that you are just one post away from enormous success. If this is what it takes to make that next blog post or that next article happen, by all means, do it.

The traffic will come. If you have a solid product, and you are using every resource you can get your hands on to learn how to refine your internet marketing techniques, the traffic has no other choice.

Can you imagine what it will feel like when you receive an email that tells you that you've just made your first sale? If you haven't imagined it, stop and do it right now. That sale will come, followed by many others, and you'll get to see all of your efforts finally paying off.

Write one more article. Compose one more blog post. Make one more comment on someone else's blog. You never know where that first sale will come from, and the catalyst for that sale may well be hidden in your next action. You just have to make sure that you do take that action.

The weeks or months of writing to no one are not pointless or a waste of time. They are periods when your business is building energy so it can take off. Even if no one is commenting on your blog or downloading your articles, this content is still fuel for your business.

Any successful marketer has been there, probably many times. The difference between successful marketers and the rest is that successful marketers always take that next step.

To Your Success,

Lee Rowley
Java Joint Media

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